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La mirada del ciclista

Nada parece tan real, pocas cosas poseen esa cualidad de hacer real una idea: por ejemplo algo para mover y para ser movido. Un objeto que la imaginación crea se haga realidad plasma de lo que el objeto muestre sobre la idea original de creador, a veces lo que se muestra es una mínima parte de todo lo que la imaginación había fantaseado, otras veces es todo menos la idea primigenia.

Recuerdo aquella mirada del hombre creador satisfecho, pero nunca pude saber más allá. El objeto era la bicicleta de sus sueños, hecha a medida ya gusto solamente de él. Había gastado tiempo y dinero, había ganado el orgullo de ser dueño de su imaginación y ejecutor de sus ideas a la realidad tangible. Un hombre creador es un soberbio de la naturaleza humana, se cree capaz de todo.

Solamente era reconocible su altivez al observar su mirada, y su vista se engrandecía al mostrar su bici. Era el punto más alto al que podía llegar, era el punto que ya no pediría ni un ápice más. Estaba el hombre creador en el cielo tranquilo de haber hecho lo que su mente se había propuesto. Así que un día ya no regresó al taller, se fue con su imaginación a crear por otros lados cosas tal vez más valiosas. 


The Cyclist Look

Nothing seems so real, few things have that quality of making an idea real: for example, something to move and to be moved. An object that the imagination creates becomes a reality plasma of what the object shows on the original idea of ​​the creator, sometimes what is shown is a small part of everything that the imagination had fantasized, other times it is everything except the original idea .

I remember that look of the satisfied creative man, but I could never know beyond that. The object was the bicycle of his dreams, made to measure and to his liking only. He had spent time and money, he had earned the pride of owning his imagination and executing his ideas into tangible reality. A creative man is a proud man of human nature, he believes himself capable of everything.

Only his haughtiness was recognizable when looking at his gaze, and his sight was magnified by showing his bike. It was the highest point he could reach, it was the point that he would not ask for one iota more. The creator man was in heaven, reassured that he had done what his mind had proposed. So one day he did not return to the workshop, he left with his imagination to create perhaps more valuable things elsewhere.
