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La Roja

Siempre se le ve al señor Equis muy tranquilo, con sus cuarenta ocho años cumplidos es cuidadoso al caminar, al hablar y escoger las palabras, procura los buenos tratos unido con la delicadeza de un hombre que ha aprendido tratar a la gente para ser tratado de la misma manera. Hoy, con su vocecita, con su bastón, con su manera de andar despacio parece que siempre fue así.

Hace muchos años, en su mocedad, Equis era un chico que
no tiene miedo de perder el miedo aventurandose a lo que no
conoce para conocerlo y dejar la inquietud que provoca el temor.
Equis conduce su bicicleta (“La Roja”) por las noches porque
le gusta sentir la adrenalina de vagar, de correr peligro en los
caminos oscuros, porque sabe que su compañera es una fiel amiga
de metal y caucho.

Con el transcurso de la vida Equis se convirtió en el señor Equis,

como a muchas personas a las que el tiempo les transcurre casi

de momento, casi de imprevisto. Personas se han ido y otras

han venido, traspasando la existencia de una manera u otra,

sin embargo, sigue pensando a veces, cuando ve el camino

por las tarde en “La Roja” como símbolo de su pasada juventud.


La Roja

Mr. Equis is always seen very calm, with his forty-eight years of age,
he is careful when walking, speaking and choosing words,
he seeks good treatment together with the delicacy of a man
who has learned to treat people to be treated as the same way.
Today, with his little voice, with his cane, with his slow walk,
it seems that he was always like that.

Many years ago, in his youth, Equis was a boy who
he is not afraid to lose his fear by venturing into what he does not
he knows to know him and to leave the restlessness that causes fear.
Eequis rides his bike ("La Roja") at night because
He likes to feel the adrenaline of wandering, of running danger in the
dark paths, because he knows that his companion is a faithful friend
made of metal and rubber.
In the course of his life, Equis became Mr. Equis,
like many people for whom time passes almost
for the moment, almost unexpectedly. People have gone and others
have come, transcending existence in one way or another,
Yet he still thinks sometimes, when he sees the way
in the afternoon at "La Roja" as a symbol of his past youth.
